Monday March 14th
4:00 Registration booth opens
6:00 - Cocktail reception
Tuesday March 15th (Number and length of speaker sessions is subject to change)
8:00 - Registration opens
9:00 - Conference opening remarks delivered by City of Pittsburgh
9:10 - Liu Junhua, Deputy Secretary, Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Industrial Development Zone Committee
9:45 - Rare Earths - A Western Perspective
Gary Billingsley, Executive Chairman, Great Western Minerals Group
10:15 - Coffee break and networking
10:45 - Outlook of Japanese Rare Earth Market
Shigeo Nakamura, President, Advanced Material Japan Corporation
11:15 - Pierre Neatby, VP Sales and Marketing, Avalon Rare Metals Inc.
12:00 - Lunch Sponsored by Avalon Rare Metals Inc.
1:30 - Mark Smith, CEO Molycorp Inc.
2:00 - Rare Earth investment panel including:
Jon Hykawy, Byron Capital Markets
Patrick Wong, Rare Metals International
Russell Starr, Euro Pacific Canada
2:45 - Break
3:00 - Chen Fenghua, Tianjin Sanhuan Lucky New Material Inc.
3:30 - Pol Le Roux, Lynas Corporation
4:00 - End of conference, closing remarks
4:15 - Coffee break and networking session